Shafts of Light Through Snowstorm

Lucas Allen

There’ve been colder days than this

Although the days I miss all felt so warm

I can break it back, I can break its back


But the whole world’s amiss

They’ve been blinded by the snowstorm

There’ve been colder days than this


When I look into the blitz

All I can think of are the echos I see in that firestorm

I can break it back, I can break its back


But I remember when the world felt bliss

Or maybe I’m just wanting to reform

There’ve been colder days than this


Nonetheless things must be fixed 

And after I reminisce I’ll brainstorm

I can break it back, I can break its back


And I’ve stared into the abyss

And now one can begin the hailstorm

There’ve been colder days than this

I can break it back, I can break its back